Wednesday, December 3, 2008

My Fat Spouse: The Most Hateful Site On The Net

According to this dreadful website My Fat Spouse:
It Is Disrespectful To Willingly Become Unattractive To Your Life Partner. Who died and made them God and the judge of all that is attractive. The site opines that obesity is the cause of divorce. They cannot back up this absurd assertion. They also think fat women are unattractive. They may want to tell the porn industry that and al the guys who are beating off to images of sexy BBWs. Fat porn is exploding all over the net. They go on to say:

" If you have been watching the news lately, I am sure that you have heard of the "Obesity Epidemic". Marriages are not immune to the effects of this issue. This site will focus on the situation where one partner becomes, or remains obese and the other spouse maintains a thinner physique, or succeeds in becoming thinner."

This is My Fat Spouse's ideal of feminine beauty.
Real men like women like these lusty busty beauties.

It's founder and site owner is a muscle bound roid monkey named Chris Dumbell.

Chris Dumbell AKA Fat Hater

His hateful site is growing in popularity. His site is for spouse who cannot appreciate their obese and super obese partners. They advocate infidelity, divorce, hunting fat people using harpoon and then rendering our blubber into motor fuel and our skin for lamp shades, starvation dieting, torturous exercise, the use of cattle prods on fat people, the fat tax, and many other forms of fat hate bingo. Here is a link to this site that has a forum. They also have a online forum where they bash fat people. The have some very toxic posters. Married2ASweathog is one of the worst. He looks like a Flava Flave wannabe.

This one is terrible!

I was surprised in a way to see that the women who post there are even more brutal to their fat spouses than men. Fat Bastard and I discussed this and we now are not surprised by the fact that skinny women are more brutal to their fat husbands than skinny husbands are to their fat wives. As a fat admirer I am almost embarrassed as to high easy it is for lean men to land fat women but now that I hear the horrible things discussed on that roid monkey's site I know why we fat admirers can so easily land BBWs.
I'd rather sit on the couch, play video games and feed this sizzling SSBBW than walk on the beach with this prude!

Thursday, November 20, 2008

Potpouri: NAAFA is a Cult and Obesity and Gluttony is NOT for Everyone

The Cult of NAAFA

To fully understand NAAFA is to understand a dichotomy in logic. Most NAAFA members we've been in contact with claim to eat very little..sensible diets..even vegitarian diets. All NAAFA members I've spoken to claim to excercise regularly.
But these pictures, of NAAFA members at a Fat Acceptance convention, paint a very different picture.
To obtain body size of this nature, simple biology tells us you must ingest far many calories than you expend.

NAAFA wants you to believe that morbid obesity is healthy, normal and desirable. While obesity and gluttony may be desirable and while it is rapidly becoming the new normal only a total fucking idiot or evil scumbag would deny that obesity often has dire health consequences. This sort of intellectual dishonesty is why we started the Bigger Fatter Blog. Fat people are not morons. NAAFA gives the fat and gluttony haters plenty of grist for the mill with their lunacy. Bigger Fatter Blog simply and effectively disarms the fat haters by admitting the obvious truth. Fat people are gluttons. NAAFA and other FA orgs think that there is something wrong with sloth and gluttony. We are here to tell people that gluttony and sloth are acceptable behaviors just as being morbidly obese is and should be an acceptable condition. Everything has its risks. We accept those risks because we think the benefits are worth that risk. If you don't think it is worth the risk we won't judge you like the sicko NAAFA sluts will.

NAAFA promotes a "fat and happy" idealology. I have no doubt that some of these people are indeed having fun and enjoying themselves at a fat acceptance convention. Hell, when Proud FA and I show up with our Godiva chocolates, and selection of fine wine and cheeses they are ecstatic because they know they are going to be in for a good feed and a sexy sausage session with Proud FA.

Believing that one can be truly happy while mordibly obese, with all the health and mobility problems it entails, on a day to day basis is a different story altogether. True fat acceptance accepts the risks of being morbidly obese. Gluttony and obesity is not for the faint of heart. The denial in which cults like NAAFA indulge only weakens the movement because it just is so damn ridiculous and absurd. It also denies the very real risks of the gluttonous life style. True obesity promoters and fat accepters bravely and happily accept these risks.

NAAFA is frequently referred to as a death cult, for very good reason. To be a member of NAAFA, you must unwittingly accept the potential health consequences of obesity by drinking their Kool Aid. As widely documented studies prove, obesity can lead to a host of debilitating health problems—including early death—most of which are reversable through weight loss.

From NAAFA's site:

"Because being fat can be both a physically and emotionally isolating experience, NAAFA has helped to create and sustain a fat subculture. " The problem with that statement is Fat people are much more emotionally and socially healthier than size typical people

This cult would rather you pretend to be part of an elitist group, entitiled to special privileges, rather than confront the obvious truth: Obesity can be an unwanted social stigma. Morbid obesity is dangerous and demeaning to some people who are not meant to be fat. It is not a desirable condition for everyone.

Note: Use of the images on this site constitutes "fair use" under United States copyright law Title 17 , chapter 1 , Sec. 107.

One thing that is striking about NAAFA is the absence of fat men. NAAFA was once a proud advocate for fat people but once that was achieved they became rebels with out a clue and they got into strange politics and began aligning themselves with a fringe element of people calling themselves fat feminists. NAAFA has become the ole girls club as has most fat acceptance organizations.

Sunday, November 16, 2008

Intuitve Eating is a Crock of Shit

Intuitive eating is a hair brained approach created by the angry fat acceptance witches that teaches you how to create a so called “healthy relationship" with your food, mind, and body–where you ultimately become the expert of your own body. It is a watered down type of diet industry mumbo jumbo. These charlatans claim that you learn how to distinguish between physical and emotional feelings, and gain a sense of body wisdom what ever the fuck body wisdom is. It’s also a process of making peace with food so that you no longer have constant “food worry” thoughts. It’s knowing that your health and your worth as a person does not change because you ate a so-called “bad” or “fattening” food.
This is a total crock of shit because there are fattening foods and if you want to not be fat you cannot eat a whole lot of fattening foods and not be fat. True fat acceptors are also gluttony and obesity promoters. We are apologists for neither obesity or the cause of obesity which we all know is gluttony. We eat whatever the hell we want and what most fat people want is fattening foods. That is why we are fat. The notion that we feel guilty about it is total bullshit. Go to a Golden Corral and watch all the happy guilt free fat people filling their plates again and again and again. They are happy as hell. They don't feel guilty at all. Food is love and happiness!
Jennifer Portnick is an advocate of intuitive eating. She must be eating in the 8000 calorie range given her aerobic activity and an aerobics instructor.

On the surface this may sound simplistic, but it is rather complex. All the fat feminist garbage is convoluted double talk. For example one of the basic principles of Intuitive Eating is the ability to respond to what they call “inner body cues,” According to their psycho babble one should “Eat when they hungry and stop when they full”, which may sound like a no-brainer. But when you have history of chronic dieting or rigid “healthy” rules about eating it’s quite difficult because a number of things need to be in place, including the ability to trust yourself! Here is a summary of their 10 principles of Intuitive Eating.” This is so fucking stupid because that is what people already do. Everyone eats until they are full. Fat Bastard is a fat nasty bastard and I eat until I am full and then some. He could stuff myself on fruit and vegetables and lean protein and He would be a stick boy but vegetables are what food eats. So he eats great tasting foods all the time and great tasting foods are fattening. DUH These fat acceptance women are such dumb cunts.

Intuitive Eating Principles
1. Reject the Diet Mentality Throw out the diet books and magazine articles that offer you false hope of losing weight quickly, easily, and permanently. Get angry at the lies that have led you to feel as if you were a failure every time a new diet stopped working and you gained back all of the weight. If you allow even one small hope to linger that a new and better diet might be lurking around the corner, it will prevent you from being free to rediscover Intuitive Eating.

BFB comment: This angry woman shit is the reason why 99.99999% of fat people are not members of the fat acceptance movement. Diets are not the reason two thirds of Americans are fat. Most men don’t give a rat’s ass how fat they get and most men don’t ever go on diets but there are nearly as many fat men as their are fat women. Men just are not such assholes about it. There is nothing wrong with most weight loss diets. The reason they don’t work is because most people won’t comply and eat lower amounts of calories long enough to get and stay lean and why should they. Most Americans have chosen the fat and gluttonous lifestyle. If one wants to be thin today one cannot eat intuitively. My intuition tells me to avoid salads and Subway and go to Hardees home of the best fries and half pound angus burger on the planet. My fat ass intuition and hunger cues tell me to eat the 1000 calorie Hardees Chili Cheese Thick Burger or the 1480 Monster Thick Burger along with a 470 calorie large fries followed by 700 calories shake and 300 calorie deep fried apple turnover rather than a 300 calorie Subway rabbit food sub zero calorie diet drink and a fucking apple.

2. Honor Your Hunger Keep your body biologically fed with adequate energy and carbohydrates. Otherwise you can trigger a primal drive to overeat. Once you reach the moment of excessive hunger, all intentions of moderate, conscious eating are fleeting and irrelevant. Learning to honor this first biological signal sets the stage for re-building trust with yourself and food.

BFB Comment: What a crock of shit! Before any fat person can get into pig out mode we need a few appetizers first. If I don’t eat for a while and ignore the hunger pangs for a while they go away and I don’t feel hungry. That is how it is with everyone. That is why when people fast too long they have a tough time getting their appetites back.

3. Make Peace with Food Call a truce, stop the food fight! Give yourself unconditional permission to eat. If you tell yourself that you can’t or shouldn’t have a particular food, it can lead to intense feelings of deprivation that build into uncontrollable cravings and, often, binging When you finally “give-in” to your forbidden food, eating will be experienced with such intensity, it usually results in Last Supper overeating, and overwhelming guilt.

BFB comment: The asshole who came up with this fucking filthy lie needs to get rectal cancer. I am so sick of these fat diesel dyke fat feminists making it sound like most fat people have some mental illness. The fact is and studies have shown that fat people are mentally healthier than the general population. The dumb rug munching cunt who is selling this shit sandwich needs to douche with Draino. Fat people are NOT a bunch of helpless pathetic neurotics. I wish these dreadful fat acceptance loser cunts would stop portraying fat people are mentally ill and psychologically weak. Fat people have much higher self esteem than the general population.

4. Challenge the Food Police .Scream a loud “NO” to thoughts in your head that declare you’re “good” for eating under 1000 calories or “bad” because you ate a piece of chocolate cake. The Food Police monitor the unreasonable rules that dieting has created . The police station is housed deep in your psyche, and its loud speaker shouts negative barbs, hopeless phrases, and guilt-provoking indictments. Chasing the Food Police away is a critical step in returning to Intuitive Eating.

Where did you get your degree you ignorant cunt? Fat people have ignored the “food police” long ago. Where the fuck have you been cunt?

5. Respect Your Fullness Listen for the body signals that tell you that you are no longer hungry. Observe the signs that show that you’re comfortably full. Pause in the middle of a meal or food and ask yourself how the food tastes, and what is your current fullness level?


6. Discover the Satisfaction Factor The Japanese have the wisdom to promote pleasure as one of their goals of healthy living In our fury to be thin and healthy, we often overlook one of the most basic gifts of existence–the pleasure and satisfaction that can be found in the eating experience. When you eat what you really want, in an environment that is inviting and conducive, the pleasure you derive will be a powerful force in helping you feel satisfied and content. By providing this experience for yourself, you will find that it takes much less food to decide you’ve had “enough”.
More psychological bullshit and old style fat acceptance apologetics. True fat acceptors eat for flavor and mouth feel. We are gourmands and damn proud of it.

7. Honor Your Feelings Without Using Food Find ways to comfort , nurture, distract, and resolve your issues without using food. Anxiety, loneliness, boredom, anger are emotions we all experience throughout life. Each has its own trigger, and each has its own appeasement. Food won’t fix any of these feelings. It may comfort for the short term, distract from the pain, or even numb you into a food hangover. But food won’t solve the problem. If anything, eating for an emotional hunger will only make you feel worse in the long run. You’ll ultimately have to deal with the source of the emotion, as well as the discomfort of overeating.

BFB Comment: More insulting psychological double talk. Fat people are not so weak that they turn to food to deal with the everyday emotional shit people deal with everyday. Suggesting that people are fat because they are unable to deal with emotional stuff is the same angry woman crap that has fucked up the entire fat acceptance movement and alienated 99% of fat people. There is a very good reason why there are very few fat men men in the fat acceptance movement, It is because of dumb cunts like the ones who destroyed NAAFA.

There is absolutely NO proof that most fat people eat for emotional reasons. Fat people are healthier emotionally than lean ones. All the data shows that.

8. Respect Your Body Accept your genetic blueprint. Just as a person with a shoe size of eight would not expect to realistically squeeze into a size six, it is equally as futile (and uncomfortable) to have the same expectation with body size. But mostly, respect your body, so you can feel better about who you are. It’s hard to reject the diet mentality if you are unrealistic and overly critical about your body shape.
BFB Comment: Again, fat people are not all hung up about their bodies or self image so stop telling them they are. Maybe the crazy cunts in the man hating fat acceptance movement hate their bodies but most fat people don't. If they did they would not be the happy and content gluttons they are.

9. Exercise–Feel the Difference Forget militant exercise. Just get active and feel the difference. Shift your focus to how it feels to move your body, rather than the calorie burning effect of exercise. If you focus on how you feel from working out, such as energized, it can make the difference between rolling out of bed for a brisk morning walk or hitting the snooze alarm. If when you wake up, your only goal is to lose weight, it’s usually not a motivating factor in that moment of time.

BFB Comment: BULLSHIT! Exercise causes weight loss and food in expensive. What are these bimbos thinking?

10 Honor Your HealthGentle Nutrition Make food choices that honor your health and taste buds while making you feel well. Remember that you don’t have to eat a perfect diet to be healthy. You will not suddenly get a nutrient deficiency or gain weight from one snack, one meal, or one day of eating. It’s what you eat consistently over time that matters, progress not perfection is what counts.

BFB Comment: DUH!
Clearly this intuitive eating scam as a cure for the mysterious and made up disease of eating disorders is truly a crock of shit. It is a throw back to morons like Paul Campos, Kelly Bliss, Paul McAleer and that other phony, Jennifer Portnick.

Monday, November 3, 2008

Happy Holidays


There are those who celebrate the religious significance of Christmas. They will tell you that Jesus is the reason for the season but in reality the Yuletide season is a celebration of food and abundance. Food is the reason for the season. Very little of the Christmas season has anything to do with the birth of Jesus. What we commonly refer to and Christmas is in fact a time to pay homage to our Belly God. In Norway for example people from work gather in early December to feast and drink booze. Traditionally, the mother of the house bakes seven types of cookies, julekaker. In the tradition called Julebukk or Nyttårsbukk, children dress up in costumes, visit neighbors, singing Christmas carols and receiving candy, nuts and other gastronomic goodies. "We all want some figgy pudding and a cup of good cheer"

In Denmark, Jul is celebrated on December 24th, which is called Juleaftensdag (Juleaften for Christmas Eve specifically). An elaborate dinner is eaten with the family, consisting of roast pork, roast duck or roast goose with potatoes, red cabbage and gravy. For dessert is rice pudding with a cherry sauce, traditionally with an almond hidden inside. The lucky finder of this almond is entitled to a small gift. After the meal is complete, the family gather around the Juletræ to sing carols and dance hand in hand around the tree. Then the children often hand out the presents which are opened immediately. This is followed by candy, chips, various nuts, clementines, and sometimes a mulled and spiced wine with almonds and raisins called Gløgg is served hot in small cups.

The entire holiday season starting with Halloween is a feast and celebration of the blessing of the Belly God. Every European country and culture celebrate the holiday season with food and excess. America being the greatest nation on earth has turned Christmas in to the most delightful and vulgar Pagan display on earth. That is why the Belly God has smiled upon us.



Yummy BBW enjoying a yummy yummy yum yum for the FAs.
Tasty thinling elf for all the fat guys who don't get laid.

Happy Holidays to all and a special X-Mas wish to Teddy Bear of

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Men Prefer BBW's and SSBBW's

It's true! It's damn true!! If you don't believe me simply do a google image search using some of the following terms. BBW, Obese Woman, Fat Chicks, Plumper ect and see what you get. Then do a google image search using the search terms skinny woman or thin woman and you will find very few images of skinny woman showing off everything they have to offer. It is simple dollars in cents. Fat porn sells. It sells because men are buying it. There are thousands of fat porn sites and more popping up everyday. Feederism is now making it into the mainstream.

 Squashing too is growing in popularity. Men love to be squashed. Men are paying over 300 dollars for a squash session with a BBW.

Imagine being pummeled by this spectacular pannus. I get hard just thinking about it.

Please comment on this.

Sunday, October 19, 2008

Weight Loss Surgery Butchery

Weight Loss Surgery Butchery

October 13, 2008 by fatterbastard
If there is one thing everyone in the fat acceptance community agrees upon and that is weight loss surgery is barbaric practice. There death rate from gastric bypass is 1 in 100. The barbarians who do this surgery claim a lower mortality rate but they would be lying like the lying liars that they are. Below is an example of the sort of butchery a weight loss surgery patient is in for if he submit to this slaughter.

See the source image
A Thanksgiving turkey gets more respect!

Carnie Wilson is the poster girl for WLS and as you can plainly see she gained most of the weight back. This highly dangerous procedure does not even work. Soon Carnie will be back to her normal 300+ pounds accept that she will not be enjoying food the way she once did.

See the source image
Carnie Wilson has once again gone FULL BLIMP!
Carnie Wilson is rotund again. You go girl! This sort of gluttony is heroic!

Friday, October 3, 2008

Fat Hate Bingo From British KFC

Fat Hatred rears its ugly head across the pond. Once again a pretty plumper is pilloried and picked on for enjoying a good meal. The following story clearly illustrates that fat hatred is now worldwide. As a result of this travesty Bigger Fatter Blog has contacted Amnesty International and we have called for action against this sort of persecution of fat bodied folks. Natalie Jackson is a big girl with a big appetite who makes no apologies. The trauma this punished, persecuted and purloined plump pretty has endured may harm her for life. Even though we fat bodied folks have very high self esteem this this sort of cruel humiliation is beyond the pale not to mention is is bad business. Miss Jackson spent over 100 dollars a week at KFC and if all other fat bodied customers were were to go elsewhere for lunch KFC would feel our power.

If Colonel Sanders were alive today you can bet the owners of this KFC restaurant would be losing their franchise. We at BFB encourage all our readers to write to KFC

Online Customer Comment Forms
U.S. Feedback (Continental United States)
International/Hawaii/Canada Feedback (outside the Continental United States)

or call them at Customer Dissatisfaction Numbers U.S. - 1-800-225-5532 Canada - 1-866-664-5696 and tell them them the fat community will be boycotting KFC.

Fast food fan Natalie Jackson was hit with a $264 fine at KFC — for staying too long gorging on a monster-sized “family bucket.”

The British trainee nurse and a pal ordered 14 chicken pieces, six bags of fries and large cokes after driving to their local branch.

They spent an hour and a half eating the 6,456-calorie feast. A few days later, KFC regular Jackson got the fine in the mail for breaking the restaurant parking lot’s 75-minute limit.

“It’s disgusting. I spend a lot of money in there. Now I’m never going back,” the 24-year-old fumed Wednesday.

Jackson — who eats at KFC three times a week — complained to the restaurant that she was unaware of signs warning of the time limit in Huddersfield, West Yorks.

The mega bucket cost her $22.

Jackson said that she doesn’t plan on paying the fine.

“It didn’t feel like I was in there all that long. We were hungry.”

A KFC spokesman said: “The 75-minute time limit is designed to accommodate our customers who generally eat for about 30 minutes.”

The trainee nurse and a pal plumped for FOURTEEN chicken pieces, SIX bags of fries and large COKES after driving to their local branch.

They spent an hour and a half scoffing the 6,456-calorie feast. Days later regular customer Natalie got the fine in the post for breaking the restaurant car park’s 75-minute limit.

Feast ... family bucket

Feast ... family bucket

The 24-year-old fumed yesterday: “It’s disgusting. I spend a lot of money in there. Now I’m never going back.”

Hungry Hefty bill ... diner Natalie with her KFC parking fine Hefty and Humiliated diner Natalie with her KFC parking fine...

Natalie — who eats at KFC three times a week — complained to restaurant bosses that she was unaware of signs warning of the time limit in Huddersfield, West Yorks.

The mega bucket, which busts the Health Department’s recommended 1,940-a-day calorie count for women, cost her £13.16p.

Natalie vowed there was fat chance of her paying the £150 — insisting: “It didn’t feel like I was in there all that long. We were hungry.”

Last night KFC said restaurant parking was contracted to private firm Civil Enforcement Ltd — but promised to review Natalie’s case.

A spokesman said: “A parking restriction was introduced to prevent non-KFC customers using the car park.

“The 75-minute time limit is designed to accommodate our customers who generally eat for about 30 minutes.”

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Bigger Fatter Blog Endorses Feederism
NAAFA's two faced view on the subject if just one more example of how wrong they are. Go to Dimensions forum and you will find many refugees from NAAFA's now defunct online forum. NAAFA took criticism from inside the FA movement and from the FA movement's critics. NAAFA in it usual dishonesty and constant infighting has remained two faced on the issue to this day. Oh what a tangled web we weave when first we practice to deceive applies especially to NAAFA. NAAFA's many spokesdroids with their fat by nature mantra put the entire movement on a very slippery slope. Fat by nature is bullshit and NAAFA's big chiefs know it. The reality is fat by choice proud by nature. We gluttons are a prideful bunch and it is the mission of BFB to increase our size and the size of our fat pride. We don't have to explain our obesity to anyone but if we do we should not take the NAAFA or Kate Harding approach by doing it with lies.

I am not a full fledged feeder but my blog partner Proud FA is. I consider him Feederism's philosopher king.His many feedees consider him their savior. I know for a fact that his feed sessions have rescued many BBW's from the abyss of deep dark depression and brought them forth into the sacred light of gluttony. His legendary feed sessions at the NAAFA conventions would make a Roman orgy look like a hunger strike. His piggies don't puke. Proud FA first plies them with booze and or weed and lot's of it. BBW's can hold their liquor unlike the fat feminists who hold the licker by the ears. After they let down their inhibitions the fun would begin. I would sit by while these once shrinking violets would cover Proud FA's skinny body in marshmallow, caramel syrup, M&Ms, fudge syrup and sprinkles and devour him like hogs at trough. I would post some stills form these sessions but it gets pretty graphic and Proud FA and I still need to remain anonymous as we are both still active NAAFA members and moles. We do not want to blow our covers at this time. We are working behind the scenes to reform NAAFA from within and restore it to what its founder Bill Fabrey had intended. I digress.

One feed session can be a life altering event for the feedee. In one fell swoop it often eliminates the guilt some people have about enjoying food. When feedees realize that gluttony is normal behavior it becomes a life changing experience for them. For many such as myself it is a religious experience. Food is our God. PRAISE GLORIOUS FOOD! Acceptance is a life changing experience. Accepting a fat body is easy. Fat bodied women women love to flaunt it. If you don't believe me look around you or GOOGLE a BBW or SSBBW image search. BOING! The tough part in fat acceptance is accepting and feeling good about the gluttony. Two thirds of Americans has all accepted their fat bodies. The next step is to make them super duper fat and eat like there is no tomorrow. Life is short EAT EAT EAT EAT EAT EAT EAT EAT EAT sleep and EAT some more.

Open your mouth sweet fat girl

Can you imagine a more tender moment than this?

You gotta Love this Belly

You gotta Love this Belly
One of Proud FA's hotel hotties

Clearly feederism is a vital pillar in the FA movement.

A final thought and warning. Feeding has its risks. The greatest risk is diabetic coma. Most gainers are diabetics. Please check the comment section because Proud FA AKA the Feeder King will explain the finer points of feeding. For now let is suffice to say. FEED WITH FATS AND OILS. SWEETS CAN BE DEADLY IN LARGE QUANTITIES!
Don't try this at home. Inexperienced gainer dead from diabetic coma.

Proud FA recommends that all new gainers work with an experienced feeder. It is the hope of BFB that sometime in the future feeders will have to be certified by a government agency to avoid these needless deaths. We are hoping that foods that are not Feedee safe contain warning labels.

Proud FA's Feeding 101

Before starting any serious feed session think safety first. Tube feeding is a no no. Only the most advanced feeders and feedees should attempt tube feeding. While tube may be a great way to pump in the calories into a gainer, the artful feeder uses great tasting food, praise and guile to get the gainer to eat to her full capacity.

Feed with fat! Butter, cooking oil, bacon, peanut butter, lard, cracklins, heavy cream and soft cheeses are by far the best choices. Think of it as an extreme version the induction phase of the Atkins diet. Periodically introduce some carbs to stop ketosis. Peanut butter is wonder gainer food. Peanut butter and bacon sandwiches washed down with heavy cream is a great way to feed.

Use a bib if your feedee is clothed. Ample Stuff makes a wonder prduct they call Big Bib. Feeding can get messy.


Rub and pat her belly and tell her how hot she looks. Praise her eating.

Friday, September 26, 2008

Fat Acceptance's Unsung Hero

Back in the days when NAAFA meant National Association Aiding Fat Americans its founder and the father of fat acceptance Bill Fabrey never lost sight of that vision. Today Bill Fabrey is aiding fat bodied folks by providing them with ingenious products designed especially for the special needs of fat bodied folks. Bill is the proprietor of the wildly successful company Ample Stuff. Bill is not afraid to tackle the problems fat bodied folks face that the hens currently running fat acceptance don't want to talk about. I am speaking of the hygiene and toileting challenges fat bodied folks face. I will admit, as a feeder I can tell you with great authority that sometimes BBW's and SSBBW's can have a rank odor especially in places they are unable to reach. Many fat bodied folks are not aware that Ample Stuff exists to fill their special needs.


These thirsty butt wands sop it up where you need it most!

Ample sponges are a godsend for fat bodied folks that have a problem reaching "back there". I can only imagine the back sprains the fat bodied folks get from twisting and contorting to reach "back there". These Ample sponges are also great for cleansing in between the fat folds as well as wiping those hard to reach super sized butts. Ample sponges are just one example of the wonderful products Ample Stuff offers. They also sell portable bidets, scales that go up to a whopping 1000 pounds, seatbelt extenders, a 96" measuring tape, (a must for every feeder and gainer) and a plethora of other thoughtful offerings for the super fat bodied folks.

1000-Lb Wide-Platform Digital Scale
1000-Lb Wide-Platform Digital Scale
Bill's Ample Stuff has been serving the needs of the super fat bodied for over two decades. Bill is truly one of FA's unsung heroes. Bill Fabrey is to fat acceptance what Thomas Jefferson was to democracy. If it were not for Ample Stuff the lives of fat bodied folks would be unpleasant at times. If it were not for Bill Fabrey there would most likely be no fat acceptance movement.

There are many other heroes but the greatest and the most neglected is Bill Fabrey. I will be writing more about him and as I explain why he started NAAFA but let it suffice to say that Bill's motivation for starting NAAFA is the greatest love story of all time. Bill Fabrey, we at Bigger Fatter Blog we salute you.

Great John's Johns Bring Worry Free Pooping To All Fatlings
No more toileting trouble. It would take a herd of elephants to clog up this bad boy!

Being a serious feeder I have worked part time in a restaurant as a manager. If you are a feeder and you want to meet gainers restaurants are a best bet. It where to food is! Sometimes as a manager you are forced to take care of unpleasant problems. One of those problems is stopped up toilets. Fat folks, God bless em tend to break and plug toilets. It's only natural. They are heavier and they produce more poop cause they eat more food. They require more toilet tissue and as a result they damage and clog standard undersized toilets. the source image
How many times has this happened to you? Plunger it you skinny skank!
See the source image

The size of the average person's butt has increased dramatically over the last 30 years.

See the source image
These amply asssed SSBBW's are living proof the Atkins diet really works.

Most toilets made today are manufactured from designs dating back to the early 1960´s. In the past, the pleadings of  pork beasts and land whales went unanswered. For this reason fat friendly GJTC engineers, medical doctors and artists took to the task of creating a NEW GENERATION of products satisfying the needs of today’s lard assed customers. Our goal was to create the most comfortable and safe toilet for Large-Size people in the market. The other challenge was to make a toilet that
could also be used by any size person. The final result was the creation of a "SIZE FRIENDLY TOILET" .

Vitreous china

See the source image

� Low water Consumption (1.6 gpf / 6Lpf )

See the source image

Extra-Elongated rim bowl for additional space in the front (6in. more
than a standard elongated bowl) Now fat folks can wipe while seated.

See the source image

� Extra-Wide ergonomic seat included. Large seat area for comfort
See the source image
� 150 % more sitting area than a standard elongated seat
See the source image

� Seat provides �Anti-slide movement fins� for safety

� 12in. rough-in (Simple installation)

� Secure 4 anchorage points
See the source image

� Extra-Wide base with reinforced structure for added safety

See the source image

� 17-1/2(44.4 cm) bowl height including seat, ADA compliant
See the source image
100% factory flush tested
See the source image

� Ceramic tested to 2000 pound loads

See the source image
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