Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Brits Hate Tits


Leave it to those big eared buck toothed bastard Brits to stigmatize boy boobs.

Once again those pencil necked Euro"peons" across the pond purposely purloin the perky male boobs (moobs) of pudgy pubescent boys. Instead of telling boys to accept their jiggly jugs of joy British butchers (surgeons) are lining their pockets by deboobing bulky boys....BOO! And shame on you Briton.

Sorry England but American men love their moobs. If you want to get rid of some male boobs I suggest you start with Parliament. American men are fine with their moobs. Even skinny guys are electing to get moob jobs. America leads the world when it comes to silicone beef-ups. If you don't believe me look at these ta tas. http://i39.photobucket.com/albums/e160/Kala1974/moobs.jpg and these massive melons. http://www.kimbell-associates.com/Chiefs%20Site/moobs.jpg

If you Brit twits think moobs are unmanly I would suggest you step into the ring with these two American originals Big Vicera and The Butterbean. Either one of them would crush your Lennox Lewis.
https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEg6Sgz3rfLTNIpt5bHeuw07Pn9H-72SNzpbD_I9n0cXrlj4HYnJAGayMvWnPTkXcyZtKXPhIIt7HND_FM24csOEv5lKU1sxG4NSh5Kt5DXZPVbSKWOmg8Xp5bi5nRElytp8IiMU3weAHe0/s400/big+daddy+v+viscera+despedido.jpg http://paxarcana.files.wordpress.com/2007/11/butterbean.jpg
Big Vicera WWE's other "Sexual Chocolate" and American original "The Butterbean" These men are role models for American boys everywhere. You Brits can can keep your bean pole models like tawdry twit Twiggy and your freakish Boy George, we have real beauties like the Queen of Soul Miss Aretha Franklin and Kirstie Alley. Any red blooded American man would take Aretha any day.

http://drx.typepad.com/psychotherapyblog/images/2007/08/22/twiggy.jpg http://www.bilerico.com/2008/05/aretha-franklin.jpg
Emaciated English tart! Classic American Beauty!

Kirstie Alley SMOKIN HOT!

The Brits need to learn a little R E S P E C T ! and maybe they will realize they are a Chain Chain Chain of Fools. Massive male mammary glands or mits as the Brits call them, are simply a natural occurrence that happens as a result of estrogen. Fat men simply have more estrogen and less testosterone due to their fat. That should be looked on as a good thing. I am sure Teddy Bear, a leading expert on the morphing effects of male obesity will offer his vast expertise in the comment section regarding the formation of moobs, estrogen and the emasculating effects of obesity on men.

I have posted the article from one of England's biased state run tabloids. The article was written by some British quack MD and proponent of their failed socialized medical care. Once again, SHAME ON YOU ENGLAND! Once again USA USA USA USA USA USA USA

Please comment.

Phases of the Moob


MAN-BOOBS are the latest cause of anxiety for body-conscious teens.

Doctors at Alder Hey Hospital in Liverpool have reported a growing number of BOYS wanting breast surgery to reshape their “moobs”. Experts blame the increase in gynaecomastia – a condition in which males develop breasts – on soaring obesity rates.

Surgeon Christian Duncan, who has operated on 20 lads in the past year, says: “These are firm breasts – something a woman would be proud of.”

But Sun doctor Keith Hopcroft reckons top-heavy teen boys just need to exercise more.
Here – alongside our guide to see how you measure up – he explains why.

A BREAST epidemic is every adolescent boy’s dream. But not when it’s the boys who are affected – and especially if it’s starting to overwork our plastic surgeons. It’s not all bad news, though. For starters, the label “moobs” sounds pretty harmless, and rightly so, because they are rarely caused by anything serious. It’s also a cuter word than mockers or mits. And, although the docs are worried about those boy-boob jobs, it’s worth crunching some numbers. About 65 per cent of 14-year-olds suffer breast swelling. Yet Alder Hey plastic surgeons operated on only 20 last year.

Conclusion? Most boys avoid the knife. Perhaps moobs are just getting more publicity – and more ops may mean that rather than the problem getting worse, blokes are happier to seek help? So let’s get a grip. Starting with the moobs themselves. If they feel like lumps of fat, they probably are. Especially if you are, too – because being overweight is a common cause.

The other type of moob involves a firm disc of genuine breast tissue. The cause here is a hormone imbalance – hence the link with puberty.Excess lard plays a role, too, by boosting your “female” hormones.

In most cases, gynaecomastia goes on its own. There’s rarely any underlying problem, though use of cannabis or anabolic steroids or medication side-effects can be a cause.So what do you do if you’re joining the moob masses?

Konan the Boobarian!

Answer: Exercise more and eat less – weight loss will deflate most moobs. A visit to the doc is reasonable if you have other symptoms, but you can expect reassurance and a lifestyle makeover long before you get anywhere near a scalpel.

ATT BFB Readers: If you do just the opposite you can maintain and grow your moobs AKA massive male mammary glands!

Gallery of more man boobs.

 Manly Melons!

 Simon says MOOBS!
 Jugs for JEEEEEEsus!

The only falsies here is what comes out of his mouth. Newt is a real man boob!


Come on Governor Huckabee we know you bloated the Arkansas state budget with your greedy and Godly fat boy gluttony now let's see your massive minister moobs.

This man boob Ann/Mann Coulter needs a breast beef up. Show her some of that famous compassionate conservatism and donate some of your Godly Republican boob blubber to her before she shoots someone.

Monday, January 26, 2009

Is Obama A Fat Admirer?

I spend a lot of time talking to other fat admirers and we all agree that we would like to hit that fine booty on our new first lady. Yeah I get it. She is not even obese but she certainly is over weight and she sure got back.

Baby got back!

Yowza! Yowza!

I voted for Obama. Fat Bastard thought McCain was the fat friendliest candidate but he is now able to appreciate the fact that our new president likes his ladies thick. That is a good start. There will be a whole lot of wining and dining at the White House and I am hoping all those good eats will plump up our lovely first lady. Cindy McCain would have been a huge disappointment. We feeders don't want to see some aging anorexic drug addicted Barbie doll like Stepford wife Cindy McCain.
Get off the crack honey and eat something!

McCain must like his women skinny. He tossed away hid first wife for gaining only a few pounds. They say Irishmen have small dicks. Perhaps he likes his women skinny so that his dick will look bigger. I don't think Barack suffers from small penis syndrome. He sort of reminds me of Enzyte spokesman Smilin Bob.http://chicagolandgolf.com/blog1/wp-content/uploads/2008/02/bob-174x201.jpg http://i196.photobucket.com/albums/aa181/Okieboy_1/obamaSmiles.jpg

They both have that generous swelling of pride but I would guess that a fine alpha male like Barack doesn't need any Enzyte. Most of us feeders and fat admirers are not lacking in the meat department. Obama is a confident man and don't think he is going to go crazy with the president's council on physical fitness or ask his Surgeon General to ban all the fattening foods BBWs love so much.

America's fatlings will be A OK with President Obama. He has Michelle and she a buxom beauty with a bodacious booty that will grow even faster than the economic recovery Barack has planned. America is now in fat friendly hands.

Thursday, January 8, 2009


No stupid heart attack is going to take this grizzly bear Fat Bastard down. I am not convinced that I even had a heart attack. You know what alarmists doctors can be when they see a fat guy. I did have mostly fat friendly doctors but one came in talking diet and or weight loss surgery. Fuck that shit! No fucking way! I may consider losing some weight but I am not ready to do that right now. We here at Bigger Fatter Blog are not anti diet. Proud FA has said morbid obesity is not for everyone but gluttony surely is. America is based on gluttony and as we all know gluttony is good. Food is our god. Not wanting to be unpatriotic and un-American I will continue my glorious and gluttonous lifestyle. USA! USA! USA! Feed the belly god and give him thanks and praise!

Pig Out t-shirt and story. Yeah, that's right, I'm a pig, and I ate it all! So what?Don't Be Un-American Pig Out!

Yeah, that's right, I'm a pig. Marylyn Wann would say, "Fat? So what?" I'm a proud Fatso! Now to more positive things.

It was good, there was a lot of it, and I ATE IT ALL. Thanksgiving Dinner. Ahhh!!! I could eat turkey every day of the week. And I could eat a lot of it and ALL of the trimmings. And I don't feel an ounce of guilt or shame over it. But people have said some terrible things to me about my shape and size. What do they want..."I'm a pig" I tell them. It's as if they have no compassion or empathy at all. One even suggested stomach stapling. STOMACH STAPLING? "I'm a gluttonous pig! And I 'want' to eat a lot. Why would I want my stomach stapled?" I may not be the brightest pig in the stie, but wouldn't that make my stomach smaller? I want it enlarged, not shrunk.

I love to eat and I'm comfortable in my own body most of the time and when I am not I simple eat something really yummy. The sanctimonious crowd may not be comfortable with eating this much, but I say, "Good! More for me. Now get out of the way before I staple your mouth shut."

"Just pass the turkey."

"That stuffing doesn't have bacon in it, does it? Then again, don't tell me."

I Fat Bastard will not give up my gluttonous ways but unlike other fatlings, I will not even go through the motions of pretending to diet just to please the sanctimonious fat haters. They can play all the fat hate bingo they want. I prefer playing the knife, fork and spoon.

I am back and I am once again large and in charge. This is only my second heart attack. They have me on a new cholesterol drug called Trilipix along with my other meds. Right now my blood sugar is out of control. I think it was that box of Famous Amos cookies that made that happen. Someday there will come a day when we can gluttonize without the possible health risks but until that day we must accept the risk and the benefits of being gluttons. I along with the vast majority of Americans think the benefits of being a glutton outweigh the risks of being fat. Proud FA rightly stated that the gluttonous lifestyle is not for everyone. Unlike other blogs, we here are Bigger Fatter Blog do not pass judgment on people who want to live a Spartan and "responsible" lifestyle so we simply ask that you do not pass judgment on us.

On a side note: Big Fat Blog will be shutting down. Blog owner Paul McAleer announced that his Big Fat Blog http://www.bigfatblog.com/big-fat-blog-bids-adieu-april-1-2009 If you wish to contact Paul you can write to him at this address http://www.bigfatblog.com/contact

Proud FA and I will be writing more about this development that has shaken the fatosphere to its very foundations. BFB has been a staple of the Fat Liberation movement for the past eight years but sadly I think it has outlived its usefulness. The fat man hating women there really gave the movement a black eye. Gab Cafe my pick up the slack but it is a horribly laid out blog and it has the scent of NAAFA all over it. I heard through the grape vine that McAleer's wife is asking him to shut it down but I cannot substantiate that rumor. I suspect that maybe he was banging some of the members. Paul is quite the fat admirer. Film at eleven.


Monday, January 5, 2009

Fat Bastard's Heart Attack

Teddy Bear, my fabulous fat friend and all the other faithful readers of Bigger Fatter Blog sorry I have been unavailable. Fat Bastard my friend and blog partner has suffered a mild cardiac event. I received a frantic call for Fat Bastard's sister letting me know that Fat Bastard we in the ER at out local hospital for severe chest pains and shortness of breath. His EKG and blood tests revealed that Fat Bastard had a cardiac event. The found blockages in two of his arteries

Fat Bastard is doing fine. They had to Roto Rooter one artery and put a stent in another. There was minimal damage to his heart muscle. He came through that procedure with flying colors. We all breathed a huge sigh of relief. Fat Bastard is not doing well emotionally. You know how those type A large and in charge grizzly bears can be. He nearly hit the ceiling when his doctor mentioned dieting. He was fit to be tied when the doctor suggested gastric bypass surgery. It was not pretty.



The good news is Fat Bastard is OK. There is only minor damage to his heart. He is home but his spirits are low. Keep him in your prayers.

http://www.joker-inc.com/images/abdomenobese.jpg http://www.chinadaily.com.cn/english/doc/2005-07/18/xin_370702182017625289834.jpg
Fat Bastard in the ER in great distress Fat Bastard being prepped by fat friendly tech. Notice fat friendly chair